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Расписание международных конференций

Конференции по экономическим наукам и юриспруденции (8):

1. подача тезисов до 01.08.20 - Турция, Online
International Conference on Applied Economy and Finance Extended with Social Science (e-ICOAEF VII)

2. подача тезисов до 03.08.20 - Сингапур, Singapore
International Conference on Marketing, Consumer Studies and Social Science (IMCS)

3. подача тезисов до 15.08.20 - Япония, Karuizawa
APCEAS 2020: Sustainable Energy and Environmental Development Conference

4. подача тезисов до 15.08.20 - Тайвань, Kaohsiung
The 28th SFM Conference - Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets

5. подача тезисов до 15.08.20 - Япония, Osaka
The 4th International Conference on Software and e-Business (ICSEB 2020)

6. подача тезисов до 21.08.20 - Япония, Tokyo
The Asian Conference on Business & Public Policy (ACBPP2020)

7. подача тезисов до 25.08.20 - Тайланд, Bangkok
2nd International Conference on E-Business and E-commerce Engineering (EBEE 2020)

8. подача тезисов до 31.08.20 - США, Denver
113th Annual Conference on Taxation (poster abstracts)

Конференции по социологии и политологии (7):

1. подача тезисов  до 01.08.20 - США, Golden
Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum Annual Conference

2. подача тезисов до 01.08.20 - США, Chicago
International Conference on Social and Education Sciences (IConSES)

3. подача тезисов до 03.08.20 - Сингапур, Singapore
International Conference on Marketing, Consumer Studies and Social Science (IMCS)

4. подача тезисов до 15.08.20 - США, Clemson
Embodiment and Race Conference

5. подача тезисов до 25.08.20 - Тайланд, Bangkok
The 9th International Conference on Sociality and Humanities (ICOSH 2020)

6. подача тезисов до 31.08.20 - Тайланд, Bangkok
21st World IUSTI Congress & 21st IUSTI A-P Branch Conference: “Sex, Crime, Drugs, Alcohol and Violence: Confronting the Challenges of STIs-HIV Prevention and Control"

7. подача тезисов до 24.08.20 - Тайланд, Bangkok
7th National and International Conference on Political Science and Public Administration

Конференции по философии (5):

1. подача тезисов до 01.08.20 - США, Golden
Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum Annual Conference

2. подача тезисов до 15.08.20 - США, Clemson
Embodiment and Race Conference

3. подача тезисов до 15.08.20 - Филиппины, Manila
John Paul II Centennial Conference at the University of Santo Tomas

4. подача тезисов  до 28.08.20 - США, Indianapolis
Indiana Philosophical Association Fall Workshop on Philosophical Responses to Crisis

5. подача тезисов до 31.08.20 - США, Binghamton
2020 Graduate Student Philosophy Conference at Binghamton University

Конференции по филологическим наукам (8):

1. подача тезисов до 01.08.20 - США, Virtual
Scandalous Spaces - SAMLA 92 Conference: Literature and Provocation: Breaking Rules, Making Texts

2. подача тезисов до 01.08.20 - США, Honolulu
Workshop and Talk Story session 2020

3. подача тезисов до 16.08.20 - США, New York
7th International Conference on Humanities and Educational Research (ICHER)

4. подача тезисов до 25.08.20 - США, Honolulu, Hawaii
The 19th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities

5. подача тезисов до 25.08.20 - Тайланд, Bangkok
The 9th International Conference on Sociality and Humanities (ICOSH 2020)

6. подача тезисов до 25.08.20 - США, Online
The 6th Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text EMNLP - WNUT 2020

7. подача тезисов до 30.08.20 - Сингапур, Singapore
7th International Conference on Language, Literature, Linguistics and Communication 2020

8. подача тезисов до 31.08.20 - США, Louisville
International Virginia Woolf Society Panel at University of Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture Since 1900

Конференции по педагогике и психологии (7):

1. подача тезисов до 01.08.20 - США, Chicago
International Conference on Social and Education Sciences (IConSES)

2. подача тезисов до 03.08.20 - Гонконг, Hong Kong
eLearning Forum Asia 2020 (eLFA2020)

3. подача тезисов до 03.08.20 - США, New York
American Psychoanalytic Association 2020 Meeting

4. подача тезисов до 11.08.20 - Турция, Istanbul
IISES 11th Teaching & Education Conference

5. подача тезисов  до 14.08.20 - Япония, Tokyo
The 12th Asian Conference on Education (ACE2020)

6. подача тезисов до 16.08.20 - США, New York
7th International Conference on Humanities and Educational Research (ICHER)

7. подача тезисов до 31.08.20 - Тайланд, Bangkok
21st World IUSTI Congress & 21st IUSTI A-P Branch Conference: “Sex, Crime, Drugs, Alcohol and Violence: Confronting the Challenges of STIs-HIV Prevention and Control"
